As a doula and a pregnant mama myself, birth is often on my mind. This year as I was reading the familiar Christmas story of Jesus' birth, I started thinking about His birth announcement, and then all the cute and fun birth announcements of our day. None of our birth announcements --no matter how fun or cute-- can hold a flame next to the birth announcement of Jesus. Our birth announcements often have a picture of a cute baby with their name and birthday and we send them to family and friends.
Jesus' Birth Announcement
Jesus' birth was announced very differently. Mary didn't send out a text with a cute picture or even get announcements printed and mailed. (I often wonder what went through her mind, but that's a post for another time.) Instead, an angel appeared to a group of shepherds out in the field taking care of their sheep.
And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!" Luke 2:10-12
Can you imagine witnessing the announcement of Jesus' birth? An angel just appearing in the sky with the message and then the sky filling with angels praising God?! It would have been amazing! Jesus' birth was the only birth that received this kind of announcement. His was the only birth worthy of such an announcement. Jesus, God's only Son, became flesh so that He could save us.
Take a minute and let that sink in: God became flesh to save you.
The story doesn't end here, this is just the beginning. Jesus grew up as any child would: having to learn to crawl and walk, later learn a trade. He had good days and hard days. He grew up never once sinning. He lived as a man, perfectly. The purpose of His life was to defeat sin and death, to save His people. He later died on the cross. He took the wrath of God for your sin and my sin. He did this willingly and out of sacrificial love. He gave His life for ours. Then on the third day, He rose from the dead. He is alive today and will be forevermore! Someday He is coming back for His people. He calls us to. “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved...” Acts 16:31
Back to Jesus' birth:
After the shepherds heard the announcement of Jesus' birth, they quickly went and found him. They were in awe! Then on their way back to caring for their sheep, they told everyone they saw. This was a joyous day. “Joy to the World!”
As we celebrate this holiday season, let us remember to take time in the midst of all the preparations and business of the season to remember why and who we are celebrating. It is there that we can find true peace and joy.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!
Holy Bible, English Standard Version

Catharine is a birth doula and a stay home/homeschool mama of 4. She has a passion for serving women on their motherhood journey. Catharine believes the memories surrounding birth are some of the most precious memories in a woman's life. How she is cared for during this precious and vulnerable time will make a big impact on her life. Each birth is unique and Catharine seeks to provide education and support so each mother can make informed decisions that are best for her. Her desire is that each mother can look back on her birth knowing she was loved and well cared for.
If you are looking for doula support for your birth journey please reach out!
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Disclaimer: This post is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, please discuss any questions or concerns with your provider.