About Beautiful Blessings

Catharine Bailey
I am a wife and stay home/home school mom of 4. I love to listen to, and share birth stories with friends. Grace and beauty can be found in each story whether it went “as planned” or serious complications were involved. Woven across my own birth stories is abundant grace. My first birth was fast, furious and terrifying. My second was traumatic. My third brought healing, and my fourth was chaotic. Each birth was beautiful in its own way, and taught me something valuable about my Creator and who He made me to be. I believe there is a purpose to the path I've walked so far, and part of that purpose is to better support other women as they give birth.
​My desire to go into doula work started when I was pregnant with our first baby. It started out with a simple curiosity of how a woman’s body is designed to grow and birth babies. It grew when a friend asked me to be her support person for her second baby, and really solidified after she asked me to be there again for her third. I just couldn't get it out of my head that there is so much value in supporting a woman giving birth. I wanted to learn more, and I wanted to be a part of it! After my 4th baby was born, I shared this desire with my midwife. She encouraged me to start reading The Birth Partner by Penny Simpkin. I started reading and looking for a certification program. I eventually found Elite Doula & Co. and started working through the process to get certified. I am excited to continue to learn and support mamas, babies and their growing families.
Philosophy Surrounding Birth
I believe women's bodies are designed to carry, birth, and care for a baby. It is a natural and completely normal process, and it is beautiful! I believe that the support of the mama (and family) can have a positive impact on her experience and memory of her birth. Pregnancy, birth, and postpartum are vulnerable times in a woman's life. How she is cared for will have a lasting impact on her life. It is a beautiful, precious time. She deserves to be loved, supported and feel safe. I believe the memories surrounding birth are some of the most precious in a woman’s life. Each mother and birth is unique and she deserves the best care and support she can have.